My Place and Yours
Life for me is a paradox. I’m reluctant to start something new because if its good I won’t want it to end. It’s a hell of a reality but it’s so true, and it happened.
I’ve been living in Germany for many years now and maybe two years ago I got the call to move to Rome to start a new job. I was excited, scared, hopeful, and reluctant all at the same time. It was at that point that I had begun to develop more of a respect for the city that I live in, my home away from home, Wiesbaden. All the things in Wiesbaden I’ve taken for granted for many years. As I packed my bags, I thought about what I could do to take a few memories with me, and I settled on doing a small project dedicated to my small city.
I had exactly two roles of film left in my room. So, I shot them both with intent to document some of the places where I frequent in and around Wiesbaden.
Wackers coffee is not a Wiesbaden thing but started in Frankfurt very many years ago. I’m moving to Rome and they (The Romans) believe they started coffee culture in Europe. If that’s true, this will give them a run for their money.
Generally when I’m in ANY train station I stop for a selfie.
George is my barber in Wiesbaden. He is a Greek implanted into Germany. He and I chat a lot even after I finish getting my beard cut and trimmed. I’ll miss him and our conversations.
Usually I take the train from Wiesbaden to Mainz-Kastel to work out at the park. If I’m lucky there are people dancing on the river. Its been going on like this for very many years and I enjoy the scene, chilling, and feeling food.
I met this pop-up store owner while taking a walk down Nerostr. in Wiesbaden. She was nice enough to allow me to photograph her and we began to chat for a while.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a watch collector. I collect at all price levels. I was walking about one day through Mainz-Kastel wearing a Swatch Watch that I exchanged for a photograph of this young gentlemen.
Right across the street from the pop-up store on Neroberg you will find my all time favorite cafe, The Friday Cupping Room. I’ve been coming to this place for very many years. I always enjoy the coffee and conversation.
I don’t know when or if I’ll ever return to Wiesbaden but I can say that it has had its impact on my life. I wish the city farewell and hope that it continues on as it always has.