My Place and Yours
Life for me is a paradox. I’m reluctant to start something new because if its good I won’t want it to end. It’s a hell of a reality but it’s so true, and it happened.
I’ve been living in Germany for many years now and maybe two years ago I got the call to move to Rome to start a new job. I was excited, scared, hopeful, and reluctant all at the same time. It was at that point that I had begun to develop more of a respect for the city that I live in, my home away from home, Wiesbaden. All the things in Wiesbaden I’ve taken for granted for many years. As I packed my bags, I thought about what I could do to take a few memories with me, and I settled on doing a small project dedicated to my small city.
I had exactly two roles of film left in my room. So, I shot them both with intent to document some of the places where I frequent in and around Wiesbaden.
I don’t know when or if I’ll ever return to Wiesbaden but I can say that it has had its impact on my life. I wish the city farewell and hope that it continues on as it always has.