Wilhelmstrasse and I
The Wilhelmstrasse Fest in Wiesbaden has been going on for many many years. It makes me think of just how small but nuclear the city is. For three days the city has a fest on a quarter of the street near the city center and I love it every year. I get to see friends I haven’t seen all year and meet people I may never see again.
ABOVE: A woman allows the music of the fest to consume her.
ABOVE: Two women working at the Brazilian truck are happy and excited to serve every one the best drinks while having a bit of fun themselves!
It’s filled with stages and live performances and I loved every minute of it this year. I mostly hang out around where the food is best and it varies every year. I’ve been to other tests in the United States, most of which end up with a lot of bad drunks fighting and making a scene. They typically have a large presence of police in the area. Not here though. Everyone is on there best behavior as if they don’t want the nights to end, and they probably don’t. I didn’t.
ABOVE: A gentlemen lights up a cigar for a friend which he seems to enjoy.
We really don’t know what the future holds. No one does, so why not live in the moment to the extent that we can do so comfortably and responsibly? I often sit and think about what my future holds and sometimes I’m a bit stressed. Stressed because planning for a thing can be stressful. These kinds of celebrations allow me to put down what I’m thinking about for a bit and live in the moment a little bit and enjoy my friends, people who are potential friends, live music and awesome food. What else could you ask for?
ABOVE: A gentlemen insisted I made a picture of him after eating a smoked pizza I bought from him.
ABOVE: Mi Hermanos! It doesn’t get any better than these gentlemen here. If you guys are reading this…Ustedes son los mejores amigos que tengo en Europa, tal vez en el mundo. Si alguna vez me necesitas para algo, estoy ahí como siempre!
ABOVE: Chicken skewers… I’m not a pork eater at all. I can even smell if beef or chicken has been cooked on the same grill as pork. Ewwww.
I can only sit back and think about the good old times that I had living in Germany as I prepare myself to move to Rome. Its been a long time but all good things come to an end. I still love Germany. It’s my home away from home. A place that gave me my first outlook on Europe.
ABOVE: A gentlemen who I don’t know who also insisted on a photograph. I wasn’t in the position to say no.